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The India Opportunity

CanCham Executive Director

H.E. Nadir Patel, High Commissioner of Canada to India, with Agrocorp International and Arbinder Pal, Trade Commissioner at the High Commission of Canada in India

CanCham in partnership with the High Commission of Canada continued its speakers’ series, welcoming H.E. Nadir Patel, High Commissioner of Canada to India, to speak to the Canada-Singapore business community about opportunities in India. It is fascinating how quickly the country is moving and how fast bilateral trade between Canada and India has picked up! Some of the key takeaways from this event were: India is Canada’s 10th largest trading partner and there are many opportunities for Canadian firms in India; it is becoming easier to do business in India (but still not easy); and the Trade Commissioner service is here to help! Connect with the Singapore High Commission of Canada trade team, who can help connect you with the team in India. 🙂 Thank you to event sponsor Agrocorp International for making this event possible! Special thank you to our volunteer Haylee Little and all of the guests who attended the event!

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